Year 5 - Topaz

Welcome to Topaz Class page

Term 2 Information 

Welcome to Topaz Class page


What a fantastic term 1 we have had getting to know our new Topazians. We hope the class enjoyed the trip to Hooke Court as much as we did, the mud run seemed to be a particular highlight for many (including at least 2 of the adults!). The numerous photos we took are included on our page a little further down, we hope they give you an insight into the super activities we took part in.


Term 2 is always one of our favourites as we start the run up to Christmas. Along side all the festive activities, we also have a lot of work to cover, please see the topic web attached to find out what the children will be learning in each subject. Also attached is the maths knowledge organiser for this term which may be of use to you in supporting your child as we start work on the four operations (+, -, x and /). Please keep practising those times tables at home (even though we are now doing this daily in school), the better your child knows their times tables the more successful they will be with their maths.


Thank you to all the Topaz parents who have supported their child with the daily reading homework. The children love to receive their reading  raffle tickets and were very excited about our term 1 raffle - who knows what the prize at the end of term 2 will be!


Happy Term 2 








Term 1 photos

Letter to parents Term 2

Maths knowledge organisers

Statutory Year 5 and 6 word lists

Useful sites if your child is off school   - each child has a username for this which was sent home last week  - each child has a username and password, but if they have lost this please contact us.

Other useful sites you could access to keep our lovely Topazians entertained are: