Year 5 - Topaz

Welcome to Topaz Class page

Term 3 Information 

Welcome to Topaz Class page

Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a 'relaxing' break over Christmas. A huge thank you for all our lovely cards and gifts, they were really appreciated.


We are looking forward to seeing how creative the Topazians are this term as they build their 'Wacky Races' style cars- look out for the video and photos at the end of term as we hold our own crazy race! For information about all the topics we will be covering this term, please see the topic web below. You will also find a copy of the term 3 'Maths knowledge organisers' which will help show the methods we are using to teach the children both short and long multiplication. Knowing their times tables is even more important this term as we embark on our 'Multiplication and Division' units of work, so PLEASE keep up the practise at home.



Thank you to all the Topaz parents who have supported their child with the daily reading homework. The children love to receive their reading  raffle tickets and were very excited about our termly raffle - who knows what the prize at the end of term 3 will be!


Happy Term 3 








Letter to parents Term 3

Term 2 Topic Web

Maths knowledge organisers

Term 2 photos

Statutory Year 5 and 6 word lists

Useful sites if your child is off school   - each child has a username for this which was sent home last week  - each child has a username and password, but if they have lost this please contact us.

Other useful sites you could access to keep our lovely Topazians entertained are: