Year 5 - Topaz

Welcome to Topaz Class page

Term 1 Information 

Welcome to Topaz Class page


We are looking forward to welcoming the new 'Topazians' into class. The children are now part of upper KS2 which means just as much fun  learning but with a few more responsibilities.


The most exciting part of this term for many will probably be our residential to 'Hooke Court'. We will be holding a meeting to talk about this event in September. This links fantastically with our geography work on rivers, please see our topic web for more information about this term's learning.


Once again this year  we have included the maths 'Knowledge Organisers' for the whole year (scroll through to find the one for term 1 which has a big focus on place value ), this will give you some idea of the areas of maths we are studying and the processes we use. Please continue with your times tables practise at home, quick recall of all times tables is essential for all maths work. 


Let's hope the sun continues to shine for us during term 1.




Term 1 photos

The class is ready!

Hooke Court presentation

Letter to parents Term 1

Maths knowledge organisers

Statutory Year 5 and 6 word lists

Useful sites if your child is off school   - each child has a username for this which was sent home last week  - each child has a username and password, but if they have lost this please contact us.

Other useful sites you could access to keep our lovely Topazians entertained are: