
We encourage parents to provide sensible, comfortable school clothes and shoes through our promotion of a school uniform.


We do not wish to prescribe particular types of shoe, but ask that parents consider what is suitable for school wear bearing in mind differing floor surfaces, steps, and grassed areas.  If a member of staff feels that a child’s footwear is unsuitable they may be asked to change into their plimsolls and you will be notified accordingly.  Many parents will feel that school uniform liberates them from early morning arguments about what to wear to school and share our view that clothes appropriate to learning and not leisure help to create the right attitude to work. The school has items of uniform that show our logo. Whilst we cannot demand that children wear this we do ask that children wear items that bear our logo. 

Our uniform is based around a suggested colour scheme. Items of clothing bearing the school logo can be purchased from the School Office. 



White polo shirt with logo.  Grey skirt or pinafore dress.  Navy blue school cardigan or school sweatshirt with logo.  In cold weather, girls may wear sensible grey or black trousers. 


Girls’ Summer Uniform

Pale blue/White gingham print dress with navy school cardigan with logo.



White polo shirt with logo.  Dark Grey or black trousers.  Navy school sweatshirt with logo.


Year 6 

Navy blue t-shirts with sky blue striped collar, with the school logo. The navy t-shirts with white stripes are also permitted.


Indoor PE Kit


Children are expected to have a change of clothing for physical activities. Navy blue satin striped shorts and school t-shirt with logo.  Ideally children should go bare-foot for indoor physical activities, but plimsolls may be worn.


Outdoor Games Kit


The indoor games kit may be worn outdoors with appropriate footwear i.e. trainers (not their normal school footwear or indoor plimsolls) and a change of socks.  Children will be expected to use the field in light rain or wet conditions.  They should bring additional warm clothing for cold weather during autumn and spring terms.  This may be a tracksuit (plain navy or plain black), jogging bottoms, a sweatshirt or fleece or simply an old jumper; they may also bring a towel to dry themselves.




If your child is having swimming lessons they will require swimming trunks or costume, a towel, a swimming hat (boys and girls) and a small waterproof bag. If your child is not well enough to swim they should not be attending school. However, if for exceptional reasons your child is unable to swim they will remain at school and complete work with another class.

It is important that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Many items of clothing are identical and it is often impossible to distinguish between them.




The wearing of jewellery by children is not permitted, although some parents may wish their children to keep “studs” in pierced ears.  For safety reasons, these must be removed by the children before PE or Games lessons.  Children unable to remove studs themselves should not wear them on the days when they have PE activities (including swimming). Children will be asked to cover their ears if they have studs in on a PE day and are unable to remove them themselves.