
Our Curriculum 

At Cherhill primary, our vision is to provide a caring, creative Christian community where everyone will achieve with confidence and enjoyment. We will nurture growth and development in all aspects of school life so that everyone will enjoy 'Life in all its fullness.' The Gospel of John.


The overarching intent of our curriculum is to nurture growth and development in all subjects. We do this through ensuring that we will have full coverage of the National Curriculum (2014). The curriculum follows the programmes of study for each year group very carefully and provides the right balance between using History and Geography as the main drivers. It also ensures that creative and expressive arts are also embedded throughout. We take every opportunity to help children apply literacy and numeracy skills where it is possible to do so, providing meaningful links.


We also link either creative or expressive arts into each topic so that there is breadth and balance in the coverage as a whole.  Where possible, we have ensured that all content fits in with the context of our school and locality, ensuring the children receive a broad and balanced curriculum.


We aim to provide a variety of different learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Each topic begins with a ‘super starter’, which engages the children into the topic using a stimulus, visit or visitor etc. At the end of a topic there will be a ‘fabulous finish’, where learners present their learning back to the rest of the class or another appropriate audience making the most of their oracy and ICT skills to do so. This often involves sharing the success’ with parents and the local community, through a performance or class assembly. This ensures that the children see the purpose to their learning. 


Please look at the information below for information on the curriculum we are following this academic year.

Please click the link to see our Curriculum in Action

Click below for our class pages to learn more!

To find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office: