Worship & Religious Education
Our RE Subject Leader and Worship Leader is Mr Ind
Our curriculum intent for religious education is that every child will:
- consider challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life
- understand the bible is a way of teaching human kind
- learn about and from religions and world views.
- think and communicate like a theologian
- develop a wide vocabulary to understand and talk about religion
At Cherhill C of E Primary School we use two schemes of work to enable us to do this.
These are: Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE.
RE Overview
We enjoy a special time together at the start of each day.
The pattern for these is as follows:
Monday – Theme and values focus: Mr Ind
Tuesday – Visiting Clergy: Rev Matt
Wednesday – Worship through Song – aka Hymn Practice
Thursday - A member of the teaching staff
Friday - Celebration Assembly with all staff.
During the year we explore different themes and school values. More information on this can be found in the below document.
RE in Action at Cherhill Primary School
The Last Supper acted out by Ruby Class.
Stone crosses made by Emerald Class.