Remote Learning

The following is information about the school's remote learning offer.


What will be taught in the first 1-2 days?

Within the first 1-2 days of school closure activities will be set that are appropriate to the age and stage of the children being taught.

After, we aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. 


What will be the minimum expected duration of study?

Children will have approximately 3 - 4 hours work to complete each day.


Approaches used:

Work will be posted daily on the class pages of the school website. This could include, for instance, written activities, powerpoints, live teaching / sessions eg Zoom, recorded videos hosted on the website and links to web pages / external web sites.


Online access:

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

Issuing tablets to children as part of the DFE allocation

Providing printed copies of work.



Work should be submitted by emailing specially created class emails. Feedback will then be given by class teachers monitoring the inbox. 

We monitor daily whether pupils are engaging with work and will make contact with families to identify effective solutions where engagement is a concern.


Support for pupils with particular needs:

Reasonable adjustments are made for pupils with SEN.


Where a child is self-isolating

Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, remote education is provided as above but will take place in a more individualised way. Work will be emailed out through the school office as opposed to using the class emails and submission can occur by reply.