School Council
At Cherhill C of E Primary School, we feel it is very important for children to have an awareness of their rights and their responsibilities as members of both the school and the wider community. In order to give pupils a voice within the school, every year two child from each class are elected, by their peers, to become representatives on the school council.
Members of the school council are expected to show the highest standard of behaviour and attitude in and out of school, in order to act as role models to other children. They also get the chance to meet with adults within the school to voice their opinions and ideas to keep the school moving forward.
What do we do?
We meet regularly with Mrs Price in order to discuss our latest projects and share ideas. As a group, we all bring ideas from our class mates about how to improve our school and discuss this during our meeting. We follow a pre set agenda, but there will also be opportunities for the children to bring problems, discussions and solutions to the meeting. We decide as a group the best projects to take forward because we think about the impact that they will have on the children in our school!
School Council 2022/25
Our Aims:
- To help the school to thrive in new projects that we undertake.
- To ensure that our school community is strong and everyone is happy.
- To allow the voices of all the children to be heard via collecting views from our class.
Future Projects:
We have lots of projects this year. Here are just a few
- Fundraising events for Red Nose Day and Children in Need
- Researching Charities for our house groups.
- Pupil voice- our school.
- Feedback to SLT and Governors about our role in school
- Updating our school library