Year 2 - Amethyst

Term 3 information for Amethyst class


 Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a fantastic break and had a well-earned rest!


This term our topic is called “How does Kampong Ayer compare with where I live?”. Our topic will be based on physical and human geographical features, how to use an atlas and where we are in the world. We will also be making links with other subjects. Please see the topic web for more information.




Please name ALL school uniform, including drinks bottles and snack pots. Please ensure your child brings a complete spare change of clothes including waterproof coat/suit or trousers, wellies, trainers, jumpers etc for Forest school. We also recommend that your child’s PE kit stays in school at all times in case of accidents and the need for a change of clothes should occur.

Forest school with Mrs Olejnik will continue the first Monday back! .



Home Learning

It is very important that your child completes their home learning. If they are unable to do so, please pop by and speak to one of the adults in the class or jot a note in your child’s contact book. We do keep a record of who has completed home learning and who has not, including reading at home as well.










SPAG (due in on Friday)


Maths (due in on Monday)



Reading at home

Reading at home is very important in Year 2 as it is in all year groups. We would like the children to read to an adult at least 5 times a week either in school or at home. This doesn’t have to just be their school reading book; it could be a book from home, a magazine or a board game that includes following instructions. Please make sure you jot down in your child’s monkey book when you read together.


Good to be Green

 ‘Good to be Green' time will continue to be on Friday afternoons. Children may bring in a small toy on this day to play with.



Healthy snacks

Fruit and vegetables will continue to be given to children as part of the Government scheme. The children will be able to choose a piece of fruit or a vegetable to eat for their morning snack. If you would prefer to provide your own healthy snack (fruit or veg, fruit based cereal bars, yogurts, etc) this is fine!




Children will do indoor gymnastics in PE this term. Please provide your child with the correct uniform so that they can participate in PE. Children must not wear any jewellery on PE days. Stud earrings can be worn but must be covered with tape. Long hair also needs to be tied back. All uniform must be clearly labelled as it can go astray and is very hard to find the rightful owner without it being named. PE is on a Tuesday and will begin the first week back.


I hope you have all the information that you need for the term ahead, if you have any further queries please pop in and see me or look at our class page on the school website. I look forward to seeing you all back in the classroom soon!



Yours Sincerely,


Miss Catlin (Teaching days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Mrs Olejnik (Monday and Tuesday)  


Amethyst classroom