Year 2 - Amethyst

Term 6 information for Amethyst class


Dear Parents/Carers,


I hope you have all had a lovely rest with your families and are ready to begin our final term of Year 2! It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Sports afternoon last term and we hope you enjoyed yourselves.

This term our topic has a history focus, and we will be answering the question: Why is the history of my locality important? We will be looking into the Calne Harris Bacon Factory, the impact this had on the local area at the time and any lasting impact there is today. Please see the topic web in the links below for more information about our learning this term.


Dates and reminders


  • Term dates: 3rd June – 15th July
  • KS1 trip to Bowood – Thursday 4th July
  • KS1 SATS will happen this term. If you have any questions about this please let me know!
  • Please name ALL school uniform, including drinks bottles and snack pots.


Home Learning

It is very important that your child completes their home learning. If they are unable to do so, please pop in and speak to one of the adults in the class or jot a note in your child’s contact book. The timetable for home learning is as follows:








SPAG (Due Friday)


Maths (Due Monday)


Home learning will begin again the first week of term. Please let us know if you need any support with this.


Reading at home

Please read daily with/to your child. With the end of KS1 quickly approaching it is crucial that you support your child now more than ever to feel confident in discussing what they have read before they enter KS2. No matter how fluent your child is at reading, understanding what they have read is hugely important. Please use the VIPERS question stems to refer to when reading with your child and ask them about what it is they have read. It is vital that your child doesn’t simply decode the words in their book but are being challenged to explain their understanding of what they have read or have listened to.


Healthy snacks

Fruit and vegetables will still be given to children this year as part of the Government scheme. The children will be able to choose a piece of fruit or vegetables to eat for their morning snack. If you still wish to provide your child each morning with a healthy snack, this is fine.



PE this term is Net and Wall games. Please provide your child with indoor and outdoor kit so that they can participate in PE. Children must not wear any jewellery on PE days. Stud earrings can be worn but must be covered with tape. Long hair also needs to be tied back. ALL uniform must be clearly labelled as it can go astray and is very hard to find the rightful owner without it being named. PE will begin during the first week back – Wednesday 5th June.


Forest school

Forest school will continue to be on Fridays this term starting again the first Friday back – 7th June. Please provide your child with a change of clothes, suncream and hats, waterproof coat, and a spare pair of socks. While we are now in summertime the weather can change quickly!


I hope you have all the information that you need for the term ahead, if you have any further queries please pop in and see us or look at our class page on the school website.



Yours Sincerely


Miss Bath smiley