Year 3 - Pearl
Welcome to Term 3, Pearl Class!
We hope you’ve all enjoyed a really wonderful Christmas and that the New Year has started brilliantly. May we take this opportunity to thank you for the thoughtful Christmas gifts and kind wishes that we received at the end of last term - fingers crossed you were all on the 'Nice' list and found some lovely presents under your tree too! Now that the holiday has recharged our batteries, lets see what term 3 has in store...
We are excited to get started on our learning which will include how to write a wishing tale and a set of instructions in English, continuing addition and subtraction as well as a fractions unit in Maths, different types of rock and how fossils are formed in Science, and studying then creating our own artwork in the style of L.S. Lowry.
You’ll find greater detail of our subject coverage on our Topic Web, saved in the resources below along with our timetable and some other information that we hope you'll find useful when supporting your child's learning.
If you need to speak to us or pass on any information, please drop us a line in the contact book (which is checked every morning). If you need a quiet chat then the best way to speak to us is through the office by phone or email.
Some gentle reminders going in to this term:
- Children should not be coming in with toys, fidgets or their own pencils/pens. If your child needs a concentration aid or small comfort toy, please talk to Miss Bath or Mrs Cameron so that we can agree on an object for them.
- Children need to complete their home learning in pencil, and hand it in so that it can be marked.
- Home learning should only take approximately 15/20 minutes. If your child takes longer than this to complete the work, or is finding it too difficult, please let us know as soon as possible.
- Children are now in KS2 and we encourage them to become more independent including changing their own reading book once they have been listened to by a member of staff.
We hope you find this information useful in supporting your child in their learning. As an added incentive, you can write the word “FOSSIL!” in your Home School Record book for your child to earn 5 reward points! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Home learning is issued as follows:
Monday – English SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar) activity book due in Wednesday
Tuesday – Reading
Wednesday – Reading
Thursday – Reading
Friday – Maths Times Tables activity book (to be completed for the following Monday)
Best wishes,
Mrs Cameron, Miss Bath and Mrs Chappell
Class teachers - Miss Bath(Mon & Tues), Mrs Cameron(Wed, Thurs & Fri)
Class Teaching Assistant Mrs Chappell (Mon-Fri mornings & PPA cover Monday and Friday afternoons)
Meet the Pearl Class team
Pearl Class term 2 information
Useful websites and games Dan the skipping man