Year 3 - Pearl

Welcome to Term 6!

The year seems to have flown past and, unbelievably, this will be the 6th and final term of the academic year in Pearl Class. We will be keeping our fingers crossed for plenty of summer sunshine in the weeks to come and it will be a busy and exciting term, as usual!


There's plenty of learning to do, including including P.E. lessons on football and athletics, magnetism in Science and a Geography unit that focuses on the sunshine state of Florida in North America(alas, no field trip there planned!!).


As the term progresses, we will also begin the process of preparing the children for the transition to Year 4 with all of the excitement that changing classes brings. There will be lots of opportunities for the children to become familiar with their new classroom and adults, and please feel free to speak to us nearer the time, if any questions arise.


We will be hoping to spend lots of time outside so please ensure that the children are always prepared for whatever the weather brings including a sun hat and sun lotion.

Please note that for child protection reasons, we are unable to apply lotion for the children, so would be grateful if it could be applied before school, or provided in a simple to use bottle that they can use themselves.


For more detailed information of our Term 6 curriculum, please take a look at the documents saved in the resources section below.


P.E. - we will have both indoor and outdoor lessons, so please provide suitable clothing including a sun hat.


We hope you find this information useful in supporting your child's learning. Should you need to communicate with us, please contact the office by phone or email, or drop us a line in the contact book(please write the name 'FLORIDA' in your child's contact book for a bonus 5 reward points!) 


Home learning is issued as follows:

Monday – Spelling and Grammar book

Tuesday – Reading

Wednesday – Reading

Thursday – Reading

Friday – Times Tables activity book (due in by Wednesday, please)and Reading


Best wishes,

Mrs Cameron, Mrs Carter, Mrs Chappell and Mrs Elgar




Class teachers -  Mrs Carter(Mon & Tues), Mrs Cameron(Wed, Thurs & Fri)

Class Teaching Assistant Mrs Chappell (Mon-Fri mornings & Tues PM in class)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Elgar (Mon-Fri)

PPA cover - Mrs Chappell (HLTA)Tuesday PM (R.E. lesson); Mrs Olejnik(teacher) Thurs AM outdoor P.E. lesson 


Meet the Pearl Class team

Useful websites and games Dan the skipping man