Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding given by the Government to schools in England to raise the attainment of specific groups of children that fall into the following categories:
- Pupils who have been entitled to Free School Meals at any point over the last 6 years
- Pupils who have had a parent in the armed services at any point over the last 6 years
- Pupils that are, or have been, looked after by the local authority or are adopted
Please contact the school if you feel that you may qualify for Pupil Premium.
2024/25 Pupil Premium Strategy
2023/24 Pupil Premium Strategy
2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy
2021/22 Pupil Premium Strategy
2020/21 Pupil Premium Strategy
Intended use of the Pupil Premium for the Academic Year 2020-21
For 2020-21 our school will receive £28310
Barriers to learning
There are no specific barriers to learning for the Pupil Premium Pupils in our school. In recent years many of the pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age.
Planned Use
- To provide LSA support in every class to enable:
Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.
Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities
- ELSA training and support
To provide emotional support to identified pupils
- Financial Assistance
To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant
- To provide catch-up provision for children for home gaps in learning have been identified
Measuring impact
Impact will be measured by:
- % of pupils achieving expected standards at the end of Key Stage One and Two
- % of children achieving expected standards in other year groups
- % of children making expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths throughout the school
- % of pupils participating in residential and educational day visits
Last annual review: October 2020
Spending and impact is reviewed annually by the finance committee, attainment and progress is reviewed termly through pupil progress meetings
Next annual review: October 2021
2019/20 Pupil Premium Strategy
Academic Year 2019-20
Intended use of the Pupil Premium for 2019-20
For 2019-20 our school will receive £22760
Barriers to learning
There are no specific barriers to learning for the Pupil Premium Pupils in our school. In recent years many of the pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a My Support Plan.
Planned Use
To provide LSA support in every class to enable:
Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.
Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities
ELSA training and support
To provide emotional support to identified pupils
- Financial Assistance
To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant
- Small group teaching support
To enable high quality interventions to support the learning needs of individuals
Measuring impact
Impact will be measured by:
- % of pupils achieving expected standards at the end of Key Stage One and Two
- % of children achieving expected standards in other year groups
- % of children making expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths throughout the school
- % of pupils participating in residential and educational day visits
Spending and impact is reviewed annually by the finance committee, attainment and progress is reviewed termly through pupil progress meetings
How the funding made a difference to children in receipt of the grant.
By the end of KS2
100% of our PPG children took part in residentials
There were no assessments for the Year 19/20 however data from 18/19 showed that:
66% of Pupil Premium children reached the expected standard in Reading, 66% in Writing and 33% in Maths (National averages (2017) were: Reading 64%, Writing 67%, Maths 64%)
Across the school in Reading 86% of children are making expected progress, in writing 82% and in maths 73%
Academic Year 2018-19
Use of the Pupil Premium for 2018-19
For 2018-19 our school received £21020
Barriers to learning
There were no specific barriers to learning for the Pupil Premium Pupils in our school. In recent years many of the pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a My Support Plan.
Planned Use
To provide LSA support in every class to enable:
Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.
Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities
ELSA training and support
To provide emotional support to identified pupils
- Financial Assistance
To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant
Outcomes for 2018-19
How the funding made a difference to children in receipt of the grant.
By the end of KS2
66% of Pupil Premium children reached the expected standard in Reading, 66% in Writing and 33% in Maths (National averages (2017) were: Reading 64%, Writing 67%, Maths 64%)
86% of our PPG children took part in residentials
Across the school in Reading 86% of children are making expected progress, in writing 82% and in maths 73%
Planned expenditures for 2017-18
Outcomes for 2017-18
How the funding made a difference to children in receipt of the grant.
By the end of KS1:
50% of Pupil Premium children reached the expected standard in Reading, 50% in Writing and 50% in maths. (National averages were Reading 63%, Writing 56%, Maths 63%)
50% of Forces children reached the expected standard in reading & writing, 100% reached the expected standard in maths
By the end of KS2
100% of Pupil Premium children reached the expected standard in Reading, 100% in Writing and 100% in Maths (National averages were: Reading 64%, Writing 67%, Maths 64%)
100% of Forces children reached the expected standard in Reading, 100% in writing and 100% in maths.