
A Spotlight On Music

Live Music Assembly


Cherhill School was delighted to welcome the super talented Tony from the Music for Schools Foundation as he entertained children from Year 1 up to Year 6 with familiar melodies played on the clarinet, flute, cornet, trumpet and saxophone. 



Music Concert 


Our talented singers and musicians performed brilliantly during our annual Music Concert this week. Audiences were wowed by the range of instruments played by the children and amazed when most played their pieces from memory without a piece of music in sight! Our choir sang and danced with great enthusiasm and gusto!


Well done to all those who took part and a big thank you to all those parents who have supported their children throughout the year. 

A Professional Musician Entertainers Us All


The whole school was super excited about the Live Music Assembly today. The children listen to the recorder, the oboe and the cor anglais being played by a fabulous musician, Julie. Most children had not seen or heard these instruments from the woodwind family before. Julie spoke to the children about each instrument and about her life as a professional musician. 

Singing Workshop

We were delighted to welcome the fabulous opera singer Bethan Dudley Fryar to Cherhill on Friday. She gave a great singing workshop to our Year 3 children, they learnt some singing techniques, a couple of new songs and had lots of fun!  Thank you Bethan for coming to Cherhill School.